Our Story
The Crookston Eagles Auxiliary #873 was instituted on November 14, 1951. 120 women became official Auxiliary members on that date.
The first Madam President of the Auxiliary was Ellen Pheifer. We have also had 3 of the charter members go on to become State Madam Presidents, beginning with Elizabeth Schmidt 1963-64, Frances Helgeson 1976-77 and Wanda Wilkens 1987-88. Cindy Meyer was the last State Madam President from Crookston, holding that position in 2009-10.
Frances Helgeson and Wanda Wilkens were the only charter members to receive the prestigious Minnesota State Auxiliary Hall of Fame award. Three other Crookston members have received that award including, Myrtle Hegg, Charlotte Stinar and Cindy Meyer.
Wanda Wilkens was also awarded the State Auxiliary Secretary of the Year in 2003.
The Crookston Eagles Auxiliary #873 is beyond blessed to continue to have the wisdom and guidance of charter member, Wanda Wilkens, with her rich history and vast knowledge of all things Eagles.
We love becoming a part of our community’s lives by hosting weddings, anniversaries, birthday and holiday events. As we look to the future, we hope to remain a vital part of the growing Crookston community.
We are always on the lookout to recruit new members and new ideas. If you’ve ever wondered about becoming an Eagle member, stop by the club and talk to us, we’d be glad to have you.